Fool me once..

I can’t begin to describe the embarrassment that comes from letting another year pass without actually starting my blog. I am even going to leave up the post from last year to serve as motivation; this year will be different. There’s no reason for anyone to believe that but I’ve grown a significantly in the last year.

I moved to a brand new city, site unseen, and began my career in the midst of a pandemic. While others had to do the same, I look back and am proud of what I accomplished. I am now closer to home and will begin the next phase of my career in a little under 1 week.

While in Albuquerque, given C19er (see-one-niner, thanks to Steven Rinella), I had plenty of time to think about the state of my life both past and present. While I did not create anything other than a few iphone videos and photos, I feel that, for the first time in many years, I am ready to create again. And, upon reflection, I think I know why it has been so difficult for me to actually complete projects which will be a topic for another day.

All of that to say, I am excited to see what comes from the process of creating this blog. I plan to share posts about my thoughts, stories, projects, and processes; I also want to share pieces of content (art, interviews, videos, etc.) which have influenced me either personally or creatively.